Join us for this unique mission opportunity where you will be a part of a cross-cultural trekking team traveling by foot through the remotest and most beautiful, unreached areas of the country. The team will visit churches and families when trekking to different villages and will reach out to youth and children through evangelistic programs.
Początek: 29-Jun-2025
Czas trwania:
Kraj: Moldova
This is an exciting outreach opportunity to sail down the Nistru River by your very own team-built wooden raft! This cross-cultural outreach team will venture to different villages to encourage local believers and hold evangelistic programs.
Początek: 29-Jun-2025
Czas trwania:
Kraj: Moldova
Join us for a unique mission adventure that you don’t want to miss! In the Go 4 Adventure, you will “Go” throughout Moldova utilizing “4” different modes of transportation: trekking, cycling, train, and horse & cart, bringing the Gospel with you from village to village. Together with a team, you will travel the remotest and most beautiful unreached areas of the country. You will visit churches and reach out to youth and children through evangelistic programs.
Początek: 29-Jun-2025
Czas trwania:
Kraj: Moldova
For coordinating the children’s camps, your team will lead games, songs, Bible stories and crafts. When visiting people in their homes, you will have the opportunity to listen to their stories, share testimonies, give food parcels, and offer a Bible and prayer. Your team may be involved in coordinating a youth meeting and leading a church service.
Początek: 25-Jun-2023
Czas trwania:
Kraj: Moldova
Serving in the camp includes practical service, doing laundry for the refugees, making and serving tea and coffee, general duties involved in running the tea tent and laundry and to spend time with the refugees sharing our faith in Jesus Christ. When there is time, there is opportunity to play sports with the refugees, organise games or crafts or even do some informal language lessons.
**We need volunteers all the time and are very flexible with dates and length of stay**
Początek: 30-Jun-2023
Czas trwania:
Kraj: Serbia
During this 2-3 month programme participants will: • Serve in our Ministry Center sorting & packing books. Other service opportunities are available on an individual basis depending on the person’s expertise. • Participate in the OM Ships Florence team life and interact with our international OM missionary staff • Experience the American culture and have the opportunity to visit one or two nearby cities (Charleston, Myrtle Beach, Charlotte) • The missions and mobilisation awareness weekly class provide provides fundamental knowledge that will help the participant to better understand missions and to engage better with different cultures. • Improve their English (if appropriate) • Visit local churches and/or participate in a local church.
Początek: 01-Jul-2025
Czas trwania:
Kraj: United States
The ministry and outreaches will be varied but may include literature distribution, conversation outreaches in public places, creative events involving worship, plus practical work and mercy ministry involving the homeless, addicted, immigrants and others. Many of the details will be decided close to the commencement of the program, so as to take advantage of unique witnessing opportunities that will arise.
Początek: 03-Jul-2023
Czas trwania:
Kraj: Israel
The ministry and outreaches will be varied but may include literature distribution, conversation outreaches in public places, creative events involving worship, plus practical work and mercy ministry involving the homeless, addicted, immigrants and others. Many of the details will be decided close to the commencement of the program, so as to take advantage of unique witnessing opportunities that will arise.
Początek: 03-Jul-2023
Czas trwania:
Kraj: Israel
Come ready for anything! Come Share your mission experience. It starts with an induction into life in the UK and training sessions on public speaking and how to present creatively, using multimedia presentations where appropriate. You’ll share in church services, conferences, and University meetings, and run book tables.
You will be expected to take an active part in OM UK team life at The Quinta.
Team participation could include book-keeping, driving, team leading and administration.
Working hours will be flexible. We will aim to give you 2 days off per week, but sometimes it maybe 1.5 or 1.
The three months will wrap up with team debrief and reflection back at The Quinta.
Początek: 26-Mar-2023
Czas trwania:
Kraj: United Kingdom
Serving in the camp includes practical service, doing laundry for the refugees, making and serving tea and coffee, general duties involved in running the tea tent and laundry and to spend time with the refugees sharing our faith in Jesus Christ. When there is time, there is opportunity to play sports with the refugees, organise games or crafts or even do some informal language lessons.
We need volunteers all the time and are very flexible with dates and length of stay.
Początek: 31-Mar-2023
Czas trwania:
Kraj: Serbia
In everything we do at Tshega our aim is to reach the local community as a result we are involved with many different community projects. We run a fully function school during the South African school terms as well as feeding schemes, working a long side a local church, sports ministry etc.
Początek: 01-Apr-2023
Czas trwania:
Kraj: South Africa
As a member of the AIDS Hope team, we will need you to help with all areas in the ministry, such as youth discipleship, reaching out to those using drugs and working with the 30 children who come to our after school programme Monday to Thursday.
Początek: 01-Apr-2023
Czas trwania:
Kraj: South Africa
The week will start with a time of getting to know each other, sharing testimonies, Bible encouragements and worshipping together.
The following days will be filled with various outreach events, street evangelism and prayer walks in partnership with the church members and a few bible college students. (This is so the effects of this outreach week continue long after the OM team has left).
Each day there will be an emphasis on first spending time praying and worshipping together before preparing for the day’s events, so we are ready to serve and to allow God to be changing us through this time too!
Początek: 01-Apr-2023
Czas trwania:
Kraj: France
Fly into the capital city and accommodation will be arranged. Visit the team members that are working amongst unreached people groups before travelling north. While climbing a 4997m mountain you will learn about Hinduism and Buddhism, and be more knowledgeable how to pray. Be part of the work we do in the remote villages, see earthquake relief projects and meet our Himalayan ‘Social Mobilisers’. Experienced team members will accompany you on this trip.
Początek: 01-Apr-2023
Czas trwania:
Kraj: South Asia
During this 2-3 month programme participants will: • Serve in our Ministry Center sorting & packing books. Other service opportunities are available on an individual basis depending on the person’s expertise. • Participate in the OM Ships Florence team life and interact with our international OM missionary staff • Experience the American culture and have the opportunity to visit one or two nearby cities (Charleston, Myrtle Beach, Charlotte) • The missions and mobilisation awareness weekly class provide provides fundamental knowledge that will help the participant to better understand missions and to engage better with different cultures. • Improve their English (if appropriate) • Visit local churches and/or participate in a local church.
Początek: 01-Apr-2025
Czas trwania:
Kraj: United States
* You will have training classes in various aspects of sharing your faith.
* You will be involved in street evangelism, distributing literature as you meet and talk with people.
* You will be involved in park evangelism.
* You will be joining our Turkish Easter celebration.
* You will be involved in children’s ministry.
* There are possibilities to use art, drama, dancing, music, singing etc.
* We will have lots of fun!
The programme will aim to be varied and related to children, teenagers and adults.
Początek: 01-Apr-2023
Czas trwania:
Kraj: United Kingdom
Participants will run kids & youth programs and women’s meetings at refugee centers:
– psychological first aid
– community building
– Bible stories
– English lessons
– sports, crafts, music, art
They can also be involved in aid distribution and warehouse logistics at resource centers.
Participants will provide information to prevent human trafficking and other security threats.
When time and language skills permit, they may spend time with refugees offering listening ears and sharing God’s love through words of encouragement and prayer.
The ministry will include everyday chores and meal preparation at the team house, doing shopping and organizing the warehouse. Time spent together in the team house is an opportunity for fellowship and sharing.
Current activities are focused around Warsaw area which received over 400 000 refugees.
Due to the fact that we’re working in a humanitarian disaster situation, the scope and location of ministry may need to be adjusted without prior notification.
Początek: 02-Apr-2023
Czas trwania:
Kraj: Poland
3 April: Arrive in Izmir, Turkey (No later than 15:00)
4 April – Orientation in Izmir
5-9 April –Partner with local churches around the area through English Clubs and street evangelism.
10 April-Debrief
11 April – departures
Początek: 03-Apr-2023
Czas trwania:
Kraj: Turkey
Activities range from Kids Clubs, prayer walking, practical support to families and a possible visit to a prison.
Początek: 04-Apr-2023
Czas trwania:
Kraj: Kosovo
This outreach will start with 2 days of spritual revitalisation. During this time we will, as a team, spend an uninterrupted time with God where we will encourage each other through bible studies, times of prayer and worship and by sharing our testimonies so that we are ready to truly share the Good News joyfully and with love.
In the following days we will work in partnership with the members of the church, hosting evangelistic events and going out into the streets. (This means that the effects of what we do will last long after the OM team has left).
We wil run some kids clubs in a local park and host an evening of music and worship at the church.
A few of us will also have the opportunity to do a „roving mic” in the streets where we will attempt to engage people in conversation about religion, faith and Easter.
Początek: 06-Apr-2023
Czas trwania:
Kraj: France
The time in Berlin will consist of small group meetings, prayer, team training and workshops where you will learn creative, hands-on tools on how to share your faith with others. There will be daily outreaches in various parts of the city, on the streets and public squares. Main outreach days will be Saturday and Sunday.
Początek: 06-Apr-2023
Czas trwania:
Kraj: Germany
Serving in the camp includes practical service, doing laundry for the refugees, making and serving tea and coffee, general duties involved in running the tea tent and laundry and to spend time with the refugees sharing our faith in Jesus Christ. When there is time, there is opportunity to play sports with the refugees, organise games or crafts or even do some informal language lessons.
We need volunteers all the time and are very flexible with dates and length of stay.
Początek: 07-Apr-2023
Czas trwania:
Kraj: Serbia
Living and working alongside people from different nations gives you firsthand experience of what it takes to be a cross-cultural Christian worker. It is both challenging and enriching. The days will be filled with practical work in one of the ship’s departments (40hrs per week/ 8hrs per day). You will be able to participate in spiritual enhancing activities, prayer time, devotion etc and will be encourage to connect with locals whenever possible and visit local churches.
Participants Profile:
In good health, flexible, willing to learn. At least intermediate level of English.
Must possess a passport that is still valid for at least 6 months at the leaving date. Agree to abide by all ships policies. Must be fully vaccinated against covid 19.
Początek: 08-Apr-2023
Czas trwania:
Kraj: Ships
Off The GRID will:
• Provide a diverse experience with International Teams of (8) people: 18-28yrs old
• Confirm the truth of your Christian faith through Bible study & prayer
• Give you confidence to share your hope in Jesus
• Promote Biblical community & self-discovery through outdoor adventure
Początek: 10-Apr-2023
Czas trwania:
Kraj: New Zealand
Serving in the camp includes practical service, doing laundry for the refugees, making and serving tea and coffee, general duties involved in running the tea tent and laundry and to spend time with the refugees sharing our faith in Jesus Christ. When there is time, there is opportunity to play sports with the refugees, organise games or crafts or even do some informal language lessons.
We need volunteers all the time and are very flexible with dates and length of stay.
Początek: 14-Apr-2023
Czas trwania:
Kraj: Serbia
During your time with us, you will spend one day a week participating in the Kids ‘n’ Things Academy, two days a week working with the team to learn and rehearse the holiday club programme, and two days a week with other children’s ministries.
You will also take part in running the Lionheart holiday club at a church in Wrexham, Wales. During the holiday club itself, you will be involved in various parts of the up-front programme. You will take part in puppet songs and stories as a puppeteer and will help to demonstrate the action songs we use. There may also be opportunities to teach bible verses or bible stories if you have skills in this area. As well as the performance element, there will be plenty of time for you to help alongside church members in small group activities with children, such as making crafts and playing games. The holiday club runs in the morning, between 10am and 12pm, so generally you will have some free time in the late afternoons, and you will have a full day off on Saturday.
Początek: 22-Apr-2023
Czas trwania:
Kraj: United Kingdom
Arrive in Antalya and travel to the retreat site.
Meet the 26 children (ages 1-18) of families serving in Turkey and begin a simple Bible based, VBS style program.
Meet frontline workers during breaks or the evenings and catch a vision for what God is doing in the least reach nation in the world.
Początek: 17-Apr-2023
Czas trwania:
Kraj: Turkey
During the course you will:
• Develop your understanding of the heart God has for children.
• Gain understanding of how children learn, to increase the impact of your teaching.
• Develop skills, ideas and resources that can be used to create vibrant children’s ministry programmes.
Participants will join a small group in a virtual classroom for 2 sessions each Monday from 11:00-12:00 and then 13:00-14:00 (UK Time). The course will be delivered over a period of 10 weeks. There will be no session on the 29th May.
In addition to two online sessions per week, participants will complete assignments designed to further their understanding and to create plans and resources ready to be used in a variety of children’s ministry settings.
Początek: 17-Apr-2023
Czas trwania:
Kraj: United Kingdom
Activities include:
Interactive English classes.
Progress checks.
One to one tutorials.
Assignments to develop English and ministry skills.
Conversation class.
Mission and ministry lessons and visits.
Trips to places of interest.
Sharing your faith.
Bible studies, prayer and worship.
Developing personal friendships.
Talking about and developing your faith.
Volunteering opportunities.
Początek: 21-Apr-2023
Czas trwania:
Kraj: United Kingdom
Serving in the camp includes practical service, doing laundry for the refugees, making and serving tea and coffee, general duties involved in running the tea tent and laundry and to spend time with the refugees sharing our faith in Jesus Christ. When there is time, there is opportunity to play sports with the refugees, organise games or crafts or even do some informal language lessons.
We need volunteers all the time and are very flexible with dates and length of stay.
Początek: 21-Apr-2023
Czas trwania:
Kraj: Serbia
Czujesz, że życie z poczuciem misji jest Twoim powołaniem? Prawdopodobnie któryś z naszych zespołów czeka na kogoś takiego jak Ty! Już dziś postaw pierwszy krok i zaangażuj się w wolontariat z OM w Polsce lub wyrusz na misję na krańcach ziemi. Powiedz nam o swoich zainteresowaniach i daj się poznać.
Odpowiemy na twoje pytania, przeprowadzimy przez proces rekrutacji, a w przypadku działań poza Polską - doradzimy jak sfinansować wyjazd. Kandydaci muszą mieć ukończone 18 lat oraz znać język angielski na poziomie komunikatywnym. Pamiętaj: by zacząć największą przygodę i żyć pełnią miłości, nie trzeba być ekspertem!