

Anti-trafficking Intervention and Awareness Officers

If you have a heart for women under sexual exploitation this is a strategic and varied opportunity to get involved in the fight against human trafficking in Central Asia. You could be working to support and meet the immediate needs of those under exploitation or to spread awareness of human trafficking and God's heart to end it.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2 Years

Kraj: Central Asia

Dowiedz się więcej

Business, tentmaking

Business opportunity

If you are talented in business and have a heart for the unreached, we’re looking for you! After being introduced to the culture and learning a local language you can set up a business in your area of expertise.

The type of business could be in agriculture, consulting, import & export, small manufacture, cafe and many other opportunities…. what business are YOU in?

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2-3 Years

Kraj: Central Asia

Dowiedz się więcej

ESL, EFL, teaching, Church Planting, Contextualization, Uzbek

English Teacher and Teacher Trainer

Do you have a heart for teaching English? Do you want to use this skill to have eternal impact on the lives of Central Asians? We are looking for English teachers who are able and motivated to teach our mostly young students at various levels. Get involved, be part of our international team and make a difference in the lives of the people in our area!

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2-3 Years

Kraj: Central Asia

Dowiedz się więcej

teacher, elementary, secondary


Take that teaching diploma and invest in the lives of ‘missionary kids’ along the Silk Road.  Whether you’re a recent graduate or come with a lifetime of experience, whatever discipline you teach, MKs aged 5-18 are waiting for you!  You’ll play a vital role in the growth of the church as you release parents for ministry. We’re looking for teachers who are learners too, as you step out of your comfort zone and experience life in a unique culture.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 1-2 Years

Kraj: Central Asia

Dowiedz się więcej

VCJF, Discipleship, Training, DMM

VCJF (DMM) Team Member

Be part of seeing Vibrant Communities of Jesus Followers being formed in the least reached provinces of Turkey!

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: More than 3 years

Kraj: Turkey

Dowiedz się więcej

M2DMM, DMM, CPM, social media, communications, content manager, branding, marketing, Media

Social Media Manager

With a population of 83 million, of whom 99% are lost, how do you find the key people who will bring Jesus to their own family, friends and community. One way that we are trying to find these Persons of Peace (POP) or Households of Peace is through Social Media advertising and creative formats such as Instagram, Facebook posts and Youtube videos. This is a small piece to a larger Media to DMM (M2DMM) initiative that is seeking to disciple and multiply VCJFs throughout all of Turkey.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Türkiye

Dowiedz się więcej

MediaWorks, TOPJOBS_AUSTRIA, MEDIAWORKSJOB, OMEASTJOB, Eurasia, support, Austria, digital media, literature, office, IT, programming, ebook, coding, ePUBS, layout, organisation, OM, media works, remote

eBook Programmer

Use your skills to convert powerful Christian publications into downloadable eBooks that can travel to hard-to-reach places. Share the hope of Christ by making resources available for the least reached in their heart languages!

Początek: Anytime

Czas trwania: 1-2 Years

Kraj: International

Dowiedz się więcej

MediaWorks, fundraising, OM EAST, media ministry, finance, print and digital media, Austria, remote


Do you have a heart for fundraising for God’s Kingdom? MediaWorks is looking for a Fundraiser to ensure we have the resources needed to run media ministry. As you support our work on Media Strategy, Creation and Distribution, you are making it possible to produce media that share God’s love with the least reached in their heart languages.

Początek: Anytime

Czas trwania: 2-3 Years

Kraj: International

Dowiedz się więcej

MediaWorks, OM EAST, script writer, digital media, media ministry, animation, video, creative, media works, Austria, remote

Storyteller and Scriptwriter

MediaWorks is looking for a Storyteller and Scriptwriter to strengthen their team. Working together with our graphic designers, software developers and content editors, you will play a vital role in creating media that share God’s love with the least reached in their heart languages.

Początek: January 2023

Czas trwania: 1-2 Years

Kraj: International

Dowiedz się więcej

MediaWorks, media works, TOPJOBS_AUSTRIA, MEDIAWORKSJOB, OMEASTJOB, support, Austria, digital media, literature, office, IT, organisation, OM, Linux servers, Windows

IT support person

MediaWorks is looking for an on-site IT support person to ensure the smooth running of their print and digital media ministry’s infrastructure. As you support a creative team of graphic designers, software developers and eBook programmers, you are making it possible to produce Christian media in the heart-languages of the least reached around the world.

Początek: Anytime

Czas trwania: 1-2 Years

Kraj: International

Dowiedz się więcej

Renovieren, Ausbau, Umbau

Mitarbeiter im Gebäudemanagement (m/w)

Unterstützen Sie die weltweite Missionsarbeit ganz praktisch mit Ihren handwerk-lichen Fähigkeiten. Die Zentrale von OM Deutschland befindet sich in einer über 200 Jahre alten, denkmalgeschützten Getreidemühle, in der es immer etwas zum Reparieren, Umbauen und instand zu halten gibt!

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Germany

Dowiedz się więcej

Backoffice, Adminstration, Verwaltung

Fachkraft für Büro und Verwaltung

Du magst Ordnung und verwaltest daher gerne Dokumente. Außerdem magst du es administrative Dinge im Hintergrund zu gestalten, damit die Arbeit im Vordergrund flüssig läuft. Wenn dir das liegt und du gerne in einem christlichen Umfeld arbeiten möchtest, dann bist du bei uns genau richtig!

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Germany

Dowiedz się więcej

ministry, children´s ministry, organizing, coordinating

Mitarbeiter (m/w) für die missionarische Arbeit unter Teens in Hamburg

Das Team Nord in Hamburg lebt bewusst im Brennpunkt in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg, um dort lebende Migranten und einkommensschwache Menschen für eine lebendige Beziehung mit Jesus zu begeistern, sie in der Nachfolge zu fördern und Gemeinde zu bauen.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Germany

Dowiedz się więcej

FSJ, Mentoring, Team

FSJ - Voluntary Social Year

Das FSJ in Mosbach bietet dir die Möglichkeit, den persönlichen Horizont zu erweitern und in deiner Beziehung zu Gott zu wachsen. 
Du wirst während deines FSJ's zu selbstständigem Arbeiten und Verantwortungsbewusstsein herausgefordert.

Durch die Teilnahme an Kurzeinsätzen erhältst du Einblick in die weltweite Arbeit von OM.

Kein Problem!

Początek: August 2021

Czas trwania: 1 Year

Kraj: Germany

Dowiedz się więcej

Jugendliche, Hausgemeinde, Beziehungen, Jugendgruppe

Mitarbeiter (m/w) für die missionarische Arbeit unter männlichen Jugendlichen und Kindern

Das Team Nord in Hamburg lebt bewusst im Brennpunkt in Wilhelmsburg, um dort lebende
Migranten und sozialschwache Menschen für eine lebendige Beziehung mit Jesus zu begeistern,
sie in der Nachfolge zu fördern und Gemeinde zu bauen.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Germany

Dowiedz się więcej

administration, bookkeeping, Buchhaltung, Umgang mit Zahlen, Kontierung


Wir suchen zur Verstärkung unseres Teams eine/n Buchhaler/in. Zu den Aufgaben gehören
– Durchführung von Debitoren- und Kreditorenbuchhaltung
- Kontenabstimmung
- Interne Umbuchungen
- Mitwirkung an Monats- und Jahresabschlüssen

Wir legen Wert auf Einsatzbereitschaft und wir bieten eine verantwortungsvolle Tätigkeit sowie Teilnahme an Fortbildungen.

Początek: February 2019

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Germany

Dowiedz się więcej

Missions, Discipleship, Training, mentoring, equipping, leading, young adults

Immersion leader

Do you have a passion for seeing young adults grow in their knowledge of God and zeal for His mission? We would love people to join the leadership team for Immersion, could this be the right place for you?

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2-3 Years

Kraj: Ireland

Dowiedz się więcej

publishing, graphics, creative, communications, journalism

Marketing and Communications Manager

Do you feel called by God to serve him in France? Join the OM team in France as we serve to inspire, mobilise and equip others in seeing churches grow and be discipled, as well as getting involved hands-on in one of the least reached countries in Europe.

We are looking for someone who can co-ordinate the big picture for our field communications, both the strategy and managing the people to make it happen.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: France

Dowiedz się więcej

financial development, management, administration

Financial Development Director

Do you have a heart for fundraising for God’s Kingdom?  Fundraising is critical to ensure that our ministries are well resourced and our personnel fulfil their roles to their best capacity. We are a catalyst for seeing vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least reached and we need someone to oversee our financial development strategy, manage staff and coordinate with our partners.  Join us and use your gifting in financial development as a ministry in our context of integral mission.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2-3 Years

Kraj: International

Dowiedz się więcej

office, administrator, coordinating, organising

Office Administrator

A strong and faithful support team is needed as a buttress for mission mobilising efforts. Join us as an Office Administrator and play a critical behind-the-scenes role in global outreach to those who don’t know Jesus.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Singapore

Dowiedz się więcej

Media, online

Media Production Manager

Pamir Ministries produces Christian media content for Afghanistan. We work in TV, radio, print and short film, and in new media, with websites, app production as well as social media platforms. The production manager would be responsible for Pamir’s overall media production.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2-3 Years

Kraj: Canada

Dowiedz się więcej

HR, Administration. Finance

Support Services Administrator

Across OM, we have a strong need for individuals gifted in administration to aid ministry taking place on the mission field. Those with administrative skills are needed in almost every facet of ministry to ensure that outreaches, meetings and programmes operate with efficiency, and that tasks, paperwork and coordination involved in organising people and events is accomplished with completeness and attention to detail.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Canada

Dowiedz się więcej

IT, support, network management, training, hardware, software, security, Pamir

IT Support Team Member

Use your technical and IT skills to help reach Afghans around the world. You will provide on-site and remote support for computer users within our team to help ministries succeed.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2 Years

Kraj: Canada

Dowiedz się więcej

people care, recruiting

Field Personnel Officer

Are you a people-person with strong organizational skills? Do you feel lead to help send people into the mission field? Join us and help us see vibrant communities of Jesus followers established among the least reached.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2-3 Years

Kraj: Norway

Dowiedz się więcej

IT computer

IT person

If you have skills in IT, come and help us on the field with IT related questions such as starting or helping with a gospel presentation on the Internet in Azerbaijani language, training others with IT,  helping resolving computer questions  and welcoming others to minister right here in Azerbaijan.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2 Years

Kraj: Caucasus

Dowiedz się więcej

Social Media Evangelist

The nature of communication and receiving information to educate, inspire and involve the Church in world missions has changed radically in the last 10 years. The people in Azerbaijan are permanently using the internet and we would love to use social media to share the gospel with tools like Facebook, You Tube, Vimeo, and Instagram in order to reach a new generation of younger people that are not mainly reading and connecting with hard copy.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2 Years

Kraj: Caucasus

Dowiedz się więcej

training for a small business setup and running.

Business Trainers for microcredit/Business Centre

We are looking for someone with some experience to train people to start a microcredit business in a local area.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2 Years

Kraj: Caucasus

Dowiedz się więcej

short-term, STM

Short-Term Outreach Coordinator

We are looking for someone with good organizational and communication skills and a passion for reaching unreached peoples to oversee our short-term outreach department.
You would be working with a multicultural team, based in a large city.  As this is not a full-time role you would have plenty of opportunity for your own personal ministry alongside organizing the short-term outreaches.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 1-2 Years

Kraj: Central Asia

Dowiedz się więcej

sports, discipleship, soccer, volleyball

Sports Ministry Assistant

Come assist in our established sports ministry! Build on our existing program based on methods used around the world.  If you love sports and would like to use that platform to introduce people to Jesus, then this is an opportunity for you!

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2-3 Years

Kraj: Central Asia

Dowiedz się więcej

education, secondary, primary, elementary, science

Teachers (Elementary and Secondary)

Located in a Central Asian city, this multicultural Christian school has openings for elementary and secondary teachers–particularly kindergarten, grade 2, and middle school science. Teachers certified or trained in IGCSE and AP curriculum are especially encouraged to apply.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 1-2 Years

Kraj: Central Asia

Dowiedz się więcej

Od marzeń do rzeczywistości

Czujesz, że życie z poczuciem misji jest Twoim powołaniem? Prawdopodobnie któryś z naszych zespołów czeka na kogoś takiego jak Ty! Już dziś postaw pierwszy krok i zaangażuj się w wolontariat z OM w Polsce lub wyrusz na misję na krańcach ziemi. Powiedz nam o swoich zainteresowaniach i daj się poznać.

Odpowiemy na twoje pytania, przeprowadzimy przez proces rekrutacji, a w przypadku działań poza Polską - doradzimy jak sfinansować wyjazd. Kandydaci muszą mieć ukończone 18 lat oraz znać język angielski na poziomie komunikatywnym. Pamiętaj: by zacząć największą przygodę i żyć pełnią miłości, nie trzeba być ekspertem!

Co u nas słychać?

Newsletter OM w Polsce, informacje i inspiracja do działania.