Poszukaj swojego miejsca!

Chcesz służyć Bogu i ludziom? Masz do dyspozycji kilka dni, a może całe życie? Zapoznaj się z możliwościami zaangażowania w różne projekty w ramach OM – działamy na setki sposobów, w przeszło 140 krajach. Jest wiele miejsc, gdzie twoje umiejętności i otwarte serce przyniosą realną zmianę. Zacznij od wyszukiwania według krajów - jeśli będziesz mieć pytania odnośnie konkretnego ogłoszenia, skontaktuj się z nami.


Heartbeat, Belgium, least-reached, training


The new 9-month discipleship programme for Europeans to reach the Broken Heart of Europe
Brussels. Operation Mobilisation is looking for creative 18s-35s to take part in Heartbeat, September 2024 to June 2025, Brussels. Inspired by the ‘year programmes’ of OM’s classic era, Heartbeat is aimed at gap year students, recent graduates, and anyone willing to take a year out to deepen their relationship with God, serve others, and help reach Europe’s broken heart.

Początek: January 2025

Czas trwania: 6-12 months

Kraj: Belgium

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Prayer, Interrail, UK, Europe

Race Across Europe for Seniors (2 weeks)

Race Across Europe for Seniors is a unique opportunity that combines the excitement of interrailing with missionary journey. Over the course of 2 weeks, participants will travel through various European countries Belgium, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey. There they will be engaging in a range of activities aimed at serving local communities and sharing the gospel with people from different cultures and backgrounds.

Początek: 15-Aug-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: United Kingdom

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Serbia, Refugees, Camp, Tent

##CANCELLED## Refugee Relief in Serbia - Option 27 2024

OM works in refugee camps around the town of Šid, Serbia. You will be involved in providing drinks in the OM tea tent, keeping the tent area clean, working in the camp laundry, socialising with refugees, and sharing Christ’s love with them while respecting the rules of the camp.

Początek: 28-Jun-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Serbia

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Serbia, Refugees, Camp, Tent

##CANCELLED## Refugee Relief in Serbia - Option 25 2024

OM works in refugee camps around the town of Šid, Serbia. You will be involved in providing drinks in the OM tea tent, keeping the tent area clean, working in the camp laundry, socialising with refugees, and sharing Christ’s love with them while respecting the rules of the camp.

Początek: 14-Jun-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Serbia

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Serbia, Refugees, Camp, Tent

##CANCELLED## Refugee Relief in Serbia - Option 26 2024

OM works in refugee camps around the town of Šid, Serbia. You will be involved in providing drinks in the OM tea tent, keeping the tent area clean, working in the camp laundry, socialising with refugees, and sharing Christ’s love with them while respecting the rules of the camp.

Początek: 21-Jun-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Serbia

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Serbia, Refugees, Camp, Tent

##CANCELLED## Refugee Relief in Serbia - Option 23 2024

OM works in refugee camps around the town of Šid, Serbia. You will be involved in providing drinks in the OM tea tent, keeping the tent area clean, working in the camp laundry, socialising with refugees, and sharing Christ’s love with them while respecting the rules of the camp.

Początek: 31-May-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Serbia

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Serbia, Refugees, Camp, Tent

##CANCELLED## Refugee Relief in Serbia - Option 24 2024

OM works in refugee camps around the town of Šid, Serbia. You will be involved in providing drinks in the OM tea tent, keeping the tent area clean, working in the camp laundry, socialising with refugees, and sharing Christ’s love with them while respecting the rules of the camp.

Początek: 07-Jun-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Serbia

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editorial tasks, research OM projects, content creating for website

Communications specialists (German language skills min. C1)

Through your collaboration, you will inform friends of OM and other interested parties about the work of our global missionaries. You will research the latest news from the many projects and passionately pass along valuable content through written articles. You will ensure quality by editing written communication and by keeping our website up to date.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Germany

Dowiedz się więcej

refugees, discipleship, Visits to asylum centres

Coworkers in our church planting work among refugees and migrants in Heilbronn (German language skills (min. B2)

You will be part of our international team working among Middle Eastern migrants and refugees in Heilbronn. As a team, we provide migrants and refugees with practical support for integration, while inviting them to know Christ and following Him in discipleship. Each team member makes his/her own unique contribution to this.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Germany

Dowiedz się więcej

technical department, carpentenr, electrician

Specialists to join our technical department and building services team (German language skills min. B2)

Are you an enthusiastic craftsman and a self-confessed do-it-yourselfer? Then we have the right job for you! Our mission centre in Germany is located in a historic mill in Mosbach and is often in need of love and attention. As part of our team, you will work on various renovation and maintenance projects.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Germany

Dowiedz się więcej

Leadership, Networking, Cultural Intelligence, Networking, Collaboration, Financial Development, Entrepreneurship, Team Player, Communication, artist advocacy

Division Director of Partnerships: Inspiro Arts Alliance

If you are an international networker with leadership experience, advocating for artists – then step this way.

The Inspiro Arts Alliance cultivates artists who thrive in seeing vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least reached.

Your part will be to co-lead the Inspiro Arts Alliance by growing partnerships in ministry, fundraising and in the marketplace.

Początek: December 2024

Czas trwania: More than 3 years

Kraj: International

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Prayer, Interrail, UK, Europe

Race Across Europe (4 weeks)

This Christian Interrailing Mission Adventure combines the thrill of travel with the opportunity to spread love, compassion, and the message of Jesus Christ across diverse cultures. Race Across Europe offers a unique opportunity to combine the excitement of interrailing with the spiritual growth of a missionary journey. Over the course of 4 weeks, participants will travel through various European countries, engaging in a range of activities aimed at serving local communities, sharing the gospel, and fostering meaningful connections with people from different cultures and backgrounds.

Początek: 29-Jun-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: United Kingdom

Dowiedz się więcej

mission, outreach, village, Moldova, children's work, elderly

##CANCELLED## Love Moldova A: Go 4 Adventure

Join us for a unique mission adventure that you don’t want to miss! In the Go 4 Adventure, you will “Go” throughout Moldova utilizing “4” different modes of transportation: trekking, cycling, train, and horse & cart, bringing the Gospel with you from village to village. Together with a team, you will travel the remotest and most beautiful unreached areas of the country. You will visit churches and reach out to youth and children through evangelistic programs.

Początek: 06-Jun-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Moldova

Dowiedz się więcej

olympics, Paris, sports, outreach

##FULL## Olympics outreach – Paris

Through various actions, sporting events and games, as well as evenings showing films, plays etc, we will share the Good News with Parisians and foreigners who will be in Paris during the 2024 Olympics!

Początek: 03-Aug-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: France

Dowiedz się więcej

Discipleship, Training, VCJF

Young Professional & Students Ministry

A leader who can mobilize professionals at their field of work, mentor and disciple them for them to do the same.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 1-2 Years

Kraj: Zimbabwe

Dowiedz się więcej

Teaching, discipling, caring, kids

Short Term Experience Program; ‘Queen of Sheba’ Outreach: Serve a Maternity Clinic in Ghana DUP

‘Queen of Sheba’ Outreach: Serve a Maternity Clinic in Ghana DUP

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 6-12 months

Kraj: Ghana

Dowiedz się więcej

Discipleship, Trainer

Teenstreet Co-ordinator

OM Zimbabwe is looking for someone passionate about organizing teen events. Working with ministry team mobilizing coaches and discipling teens.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 1-2 Years

Kraj: Zimbabwe

Dowiedz się więcej

mission, outreach, village, Moldova, childrens work, elderly

Love Moldova A - Love in Action - Village Outreach

You will be working with local churches, organizing a day camp for children, visiting elderly people in their homes, and possibly helping practically where needed.

Początek: 06-Jun-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Moldova

Dowiedz się więcej

mission, outreach, village, Moldova, children's work, elderly

##CANCELLED## Love Moldova A: Go 4 Adventure

Join us for a unique mission adventure that you don’t want to miss! In the Go 4 Adventure, you will “Go” throughout Moldova utilizing “4” different modes of transportation: trekking, cycling, train, and horse & cart, bringing the Gospel with you from village to village. Together with a team, you will travel the remotest and most beautiful unreached areas of the country. You will visit churches and reach out to youth and children through evangelistic programs.

Początek: 06-Jun-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Moldova

Dowiedz się więcej

Communication, Marketing, Journalism, Photography, Social Media, PR

Communications and Marketing Manager

Use your creative skills to share the story of what God is doing through the work of OM in Ireland and the world. Use your gifts and talents to inspire and encourage people to become involved in God's work!

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2-3 Years

Kraj: Ireland

Dowiedz się więcej

Server administration, database administration, Azure AD, IT infrastructure

IT Systems Engineer

We are looking for an experienced and motivated IT Systems Engineer to join our global IT team. You will be responsible for managing and maintaining our hybrid cloud environment, as well as supporting various Microsoft applications and services. You will also have the opportunity to learn new technologies and contribute to our IT projects and initiatives.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2 Years

Kraj: International

Dowiedz się więcej

olympics, Paris, sports, outreach, music, concerts

Paris Praise (Olympics)

Joining with a collective of other missions organisations, we will serve with local churches, reaching out to those who are in Paris for the Olympics games using musical events and other street evangelism to share the Good News of Jesus!

Początek: 27-Jul-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: France

Dowiedz się więcej

Zeiterfassung, Personalservices (Verwaltung)

Unterstützung für unser Personalservices-Team (Minijob)

Durch deine Arbeit hilfst du unseren Missionaren im In- und Ausland den administrativen Aufwand zu bewältigen. Du trägst wesentlich dazu bei, dass sie ermutigt und im Dienst gesegnet werden.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Germany

Dowiedz się więcej

Begleitung von Migranten, Jüngerschaft, Besuch Asylantenheime

MitarbeiterIn in der Gemeindegründungsarbeit unter Flüchtlingen/Migranten in Heilbronn

Du wirst Teil unseres internationalen Teams unter orientalischen Migranten und Flüchtlingen in Heilbronn. Als Team unterstützen wir praktisch bei der Integration, wir laden ein, Jesus kennenzulernen und leiten in der Jüngerschaft an. Jedes Teammitglied bringt sich mit seiner Persönlichkeit dafür ein.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Germany

Dowiedz się więcej

Renovieren, Ausbau, Umbau

Fachkraft für unsere technische Abteilung und das Haustechnik-Team

Du bist begeisterter Handwerker und bekennender Do-it-yourselfer? Dann haben wir die passende Stelle für dich. Unsere Missionszentrale in Deutschland ist in einer alten Mühle und braucht öfter Liebe und Zuwendung. In unserem Team arbeitest du an verschiedenen Bauprojekten sowie Renovierungs- und Instandhaltungsarbeiten.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Germany

Dowiedz się więcej

Kleingruppenleitung, Sozialarbeit, Kinderbetreuung

Unterstützung im Bereich Integrationsbegleitung, Kleingruppenleitung, Sozialarbeit, Kinderbetreuung usw.

Du wirst Teil unseres internationalen Teams unter orientalischen Migranten und Flüchtlingen in Heilbronn.
Als Team unterstützen wir praktisch bei der Integration, wir laden ein, Jesus kennenzulernen und leiten in
der Jüngerschaft an. Jedes Teammitglied bringt sich mit seiner Persönlichkeit dafür ein.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Germany

Dowiedz się więcej

Backoffice, Adminstration, Verwaltung

VerwaltungsspezialistIn (auch Teilzeit möglich)

Dein Herz schlägt für Verwaltung und Mission? Dann haben wir die passende Stelle für dich!
Wir bieten dir ein vielfältiges Arbeitsfeld mit viel Potenzial.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Germany

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step out, Batam

2024 Step out in Indonesia (conference +outreach)

A: Asia mission trips B: Bilingual mission conference C: Cross culture experience D: Discipleship training After the conference, you will travel with your teammates to outreach country. You will involve in local mission based on educational program. We are warmly welcome those who have passion for making difference in people’s lives by using your gifts and talents. Team will be involved in daily outreaches to the local communities, organize before school classes, Sunday service, prayer walks, etc.

Początek: 27-Jul-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Taiwan

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step out, Himalayas

##CANCELLED## 2024 Step out in Himalayas (conference +outreach)

A: Asia mission trips B: Bilingual mission conference C: Cross culture experience D: Discipleship training After the conference, you will travel with your teammates to outreach country. You will involve in local mission based on educational program. We are warmly welcome those who have passion for making difference in people’s lives by using your gifts and talents.

Początek: 27-Jul-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Taiwan

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step out, Japan

##FULL## 2024 Step out in Japan (conference +outreach)

A: Asia mission trips B: Bilingual mission conference C: Cross culture experience D: Discipleship training After the conference, you will travel with your teammates to outreach country. You will involve in local mission based on educational program. We are warmly welcome those who have passion for making difference in people’s lives by using your gifts and talents. -Anyone who has a love of Japanese culture and a serving heart for people is warmly welcome to join OM Japan! Through our outreach activities, you will learn the importance of teamwork and how can we respect each other in culturally diverse team. You may also discover your potential for longer term missions which God has already planned for you!

Początek: 27-Jul-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Taiwan

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Od marzeń do rzeczywistości

Czujesz, że życie z poczuciem misji jest Twoim powołaniem? Prawdopodobnie któryś z naszych zespołów czeka na kogoś takiego jak Ty! Już dziś postaw pierwszy krok i zaangażuj się w wolontariat z OM w Polsce lub wyrusz na misję na krańcach ziemi. Powiedz nam o swoich zainteresowaniach i daj się poznać.

Odpowiemy na twoje pytania, przeprowadzimy przez proces rekrutacji, a w przypadku działań poza Polską - doradzimy jak sfinansować wyjazd. Kandydaci muszą mieć ukończone 18 lat oraz znać język angielski na poziomie komunikatywnym. Pamiętaj: by zacząć największą przygodę i żyć pełnią miłości, nie trzeba być ekspertem!

Co u nas słychać?

Newsletter OM w Polsce, informacje i inspiracja do działania.