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Chcesz służyć Bogu i ludziom? Masz do dyspozycji kilka dni, a może całe życie? Zapoznaj się z możliwościami zaangażowania w różne projekty w ramach OM – działamy na setki sposobów, w przeszło 140 krajach. Jest wiele miejsc, gdzie twoje umiejętności i otwarte serce przyniosą realną zmianę. Zacznij od wyszukiwania według krajów - jeśli będziesz mieć pytania odnośnie konkretnego ogłoszenia, skontaktuj się z nami.


discipleship, language and culture learning, young people

Team Member

Young adults in the Middle East and North Africa are starting to be more and more disillusioned by religion, seeking truth and love elsewhere than in Islam. No one is better to reach this group than peers from within the same generation. If you are 20-30 years old, you can be part of reaching the least reached of your generation in the Middle East, while learning Arabic and experience the Arab world from the inside.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 1-2 Years

Kraj: North Africa

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Practical Skills


Do you have practical skills and a passion to support a team of missionaries? We are looking for men or women skilled as electricians, carpenters, bricklayers, plumbers, all-rounders, car mechanics, etc to serve the ministry team in Lesotho.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 6-12 months

Kraj: Lesotho

Dowiedz się więcej

Agricultural trainer

Agricultural Trainer

Do you have a passion for agriculture and a passion to bring the gospel to the people of Lesotho? We are looking for men or women to train and educate Basotho people in agriculture and/or animal husbandry for their small-scale farming.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 1 Year

Kraj: Lesotho

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Woodworking Skills

Woodworking Trainer

Do you have practical Skills in woodworking and a passion to bring the gospel to the people of Lesotho?

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2 Years

Kraj: Lesotho

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Farming God's Way Trainer

Do you have a passion for agriculture and a passion to bring the gospel to the people of Lesotho? We are looking for men or women to train and educate Basotho people in agriculture skills using the Farming God's Way principles.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 1 Year

Kraj: Lesotho

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Content Creator/Videographer

Are you creative, a good writer, and enjoy videography?

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 6-12 months

Kraj: Lesotho

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Sewing Skills

Sewing/Dressmaking Trainer

Do you have practical skills in sewing and a passion to bring the gospel to the people of Lesotho?

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2 Years

Kraj: Lesotho

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Administrator, Financial Management, Logistics and Labour Relations.

Administrator - Training base

Across OM, we have a strong need for people gifted in administration to aid ministry taking place on the mission field. Those with administrative skills are needed in almost every facet of ministry to ensure efficiency, and that tasks, paperwork and coordination involved in organising people and events are accomplished with completeness and attention to detail. If this describes you, consider here how you can use those gifts to see more VCJF's among the least reached.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2 Years

Kraj: South Africa

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Mobilising, mobilizing, mobilser, mobilizer, missions

Missions Mobiliser

The mobilising role exists to mobilise Jesus followers to live and work among the least reached in an authentic manner. We do this by inspiring, connecting & equipping these Jesus-followers to and for God's mission.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 1-2 Years

Kraj: South Africa

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Children, AIDSHope, discipleship, kids, youth

AIDSHope Team Member

Are you young or young at heart and love to live and work within a community? 

AIDSHope is in need of team members with a variety of practical skills and a passion for ministering. These ministries include outreach to those using drugs, after-school programme (primary school), youth discipleship.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: South Africa

Dowiedz się więcej

discipleship, foreigners, home visits, ministry

Diaspora Hope -  the Least Reached

Cape Town is home to thousands of people of other faiths who have migrated from some of the hardest-to-reach nations in Africa, along with a local community of South Africans who have never embraced the gospel. The OM ministry team in Cape Town works to impact these unreached people right on our doorstep with the love of Jesus. We hope to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers established in these neighbourhoods. Come and join us.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 1-2 Years

Kraj: South Africa

Dowiedz się więcej

Church planting, teacher, discipleship, community, children, youth, administration, long term, local worker, support, assistant, theology graduate, mission.

Church Worker/Planter (Partners for Church Growth)

Everyone should have an opportunity to hear the gospel at least once. There is a generation growing up in Ireland which has not heard the gospel. They do not know who Jesus is or what He has done. One of the greatest needs in Ireland is more Bible-believing churches. We need evangelists, disciplers, church planters, youth and children’s workers to partner with small churches and church plant endeavours. You will need a God given passion for the lost and desire to work in partnership with others.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: More than 3 years

Kraj: Ireland

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sports, networking, SportsLink, R4TW

R4TW Global Events Champion

Run for the World (R4TW), is an open-source global sports event – 1 day, 24 timezones, 40,000KM. It is a God-given opportunity to use sport to transform the lives of young people locally and globally. We need a Global Events Champion to develop the R4TW event and models across the OM world, and build a team for R4TW globally. If you have skills in event planning, networking and organization, this could be your dream job. The physical location for this position is flexible.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2-3 Years

Kraj: International

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Sports Facilitator

SportsLink Facilitator

Do you have a passion for sports and a passion to bring the gospel to the people of Lesotho?

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2 Years

Kraj: Lesotho

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Social media, TeenStreet, digital communication, youth

TeenStreet Communications, Social Media, and Digital Team Member

Exists to plan and support the ministry of TeenStreet Canada through social media and digital communication.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2 Years

Kraj: Canada

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Literature, least reached, Pamir

Distribution Manager

We are looking for someone to manage the web-based Afghan Media Center (AMC) (Afghan Media Centre). The AMC is a partnership project from various producers of materials. Pamir Ministries is part of that. Storage places of materials are in Canada and the Netherlands.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2-3 Years

Kraj: Canada

Dowiedz się więcej

A team player, finance, administration, compliance, accounting, accountant, management, tax, audit

AFR Finance Manager/ Financial Controller

The role exist to oversee the accounting processes for the OM country offices in Africa that are making use of the finance hub, accomplishing the highest level of functionality, integrity and accountability for the fields/funds serviced. 

Początek: March 2023

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: South Africa

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Serbia, Refugees, Camp, Tent

Refugee Relief in Serbia - Option 28 2023

Serving in the camp includes practical service, doing laundry for the refugees, making and serving tea and coffee, general duties involved in running the tea tent and laundry and to spend time with the refugees sharing our faith in Jesus Christ. When there is time, there is opportunity to play sports with the refugees, organise games or crafts or even do some informal language lessons.

**We need volunteers all the time and are very flexible with dates and length of stay**

Początek: 07-Jul-2023

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Serbia

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Outreach, Training, Practical Works

REACH in Brazil

REACH In Brazil offers an exciting introduction to cross cultural mission while helping you to deepen your relationship with God and to grow in discipleship.
REACH is a six month programme with theorical and practical experiences. This training and preparation will enable you to understand mission at the heart of God, equip you for effective communication of the Gospel across cultures, give you skills for a disciplined devotional life, tools for ministry, a deeper understanding of yourself, as well developing team building and leadership skills.
In the practical part you will experience a period of time with 2 to 4 Least Reach groups here in Brazil, having the opportunity to share the gospel with them while you enjoy the beauty and the diversity of the country.
Join REACH for six months and you will not be the same again!

Początek: 10-Jul-2023

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Brazil

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Big Red Bus, Short Term, Outreach

Impact Ireland 2023

The programme starts with training and orientation at Lacken House, OM Ireland’s headquarters. This includes Bible teaching, worship, understanding and articulating the Gospel, prayer, introduction to Irish culture, and other practical training. Participants will then head out in teams across Ireland, working with local churches to share the Gospel and demonstrate God’s love in action. In previous years we have engaged in the following ministries, and we expect to be doing similar ministries this year: children’s clubs, open-air street evangelism, cleaning litter on estates, street theatre, leaflet distribution, musical opportunities, visiting the elderly, gardening, sports and activities with youth.

Początek: 12-Jul-2023

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Ireland

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Serbia, Refugees, Camp, Tent

Refugee Relief in Serbia - Option 29 2023

Serving in the camp includes practical service, doing laundry for the refugees, making and serving tea and coffee, general duties involved in running the tea tent and laundry and to spend time with the refugees sharing our faith in Jesus Christ. When there is time, there is opportunity to play sports with the refugees, organise games or crafts or even do some informal language lessons.

**We need volunteers all the time and are very flexible with dates and length of stay**

Początek: 14-Jul-2023

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Serbia

Dowiedz się więcej

sport, camino

The Way of St. James (El Camino de Santiago)

Upon arrival, there will be a welcome dinner where you will meet the rest of the team. Be ready for prayer times, devotionals and engaging in conversations with your teammates and pilgrims. You will walk the Camino alongside pilgrims who are hiking for different reasons, some spiritual and some for the physical challenge. Each day you will walk from one town to another and spend the night in a pilgrim hostel, where you will be able to make new friends and reunite with pilgrims that you meet on the Camino.

Początek: 14-Jul-2023

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Spain

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Literature & Video Distribution, Reaching to: Other Faiths, Austria, Zell am See, Short term, arabs

##CANCELLED## Salamu Aleikum Zell am See

Participants will be part of an 4 Person Outreach Team that serves in either the afternoon or evening shift. Each team will consist of a praying pair (intercession on site) and an engaging pair, sharing the gospel on a personal level and distributing literature (new testaments, dvd’s, SD-cards…)

During the morning sessions we will spend time in worship&prayer and devotion, hear testimonies and have some special lessons in which we learn more about Islam and what it means to live in the Arab world. We learn as well how to start a conversation and share Christ with Muslims.

During free time you can enjoy the wonderful nature of Austrias mountainous landscape.

Początek: 15-Jul-2023

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Austria

Dowiedz się więcej

mission, outreach, village, Moldova, children's work, elderly

Love Moldova C: Love in Action - Village Outreach

For coordinating the children’s camps, your team will lead games, songs, Bible stories and crafts. When visiting people in their homes, you will have the opportunity to listen to their stories, share testimonies, give food parcels, and offer a Bible and prayer. Your team may be involved in coordinating a youth meeting and leading a church service.

Początek: 16-Jul-2023

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Moldova

Dowiedz się więcej

mission, outreach, village, Moldova, children's work, elderly

Love Moldova C: Trekking Adventure

Join us for this unique mission opportunity where you will be a part of a cross-cultural trekking team traveling by foot through the remotest and most beautiful, unreached areas of the country. The team will visit churches and families when trekking to different villages and will reach out to youth and children through evangelistic programs.

Początek: 14-Jul-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Moldova

Dowiedz się więcej

mission, outreach, village, Moldova, children's work, elderly

Love Moldova C: River Adventure

Members of this team will build their own raft out of oil drums and wooden planks. The team will float and row between up to 5 different villages along the Nistru River in the east of Moldova. The team will journey to the more un-reached villages in Moldova to share the Gospel through youth and children’s programs. Depending on the village, the team may also have the opportunity to visit families and elderly in their homes and demonstrate the love of Christ through practical service. The team will camp each night and will be on the river for 3 to 5 hours each day or every other day.

Początek: 16-Jul-2023

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Moldova

Dowiedz się więcej

mission, outreach, village, Moldova, children's work, elderly

Love Moldova C: Teens in Missions

During the children’s day camp you will be organizing games, doing crafts, sharing a Bible story, puppets, drama, singing songs, and more. You will also visit and encourage families and elderly in their homes by listening to their stories, sharing testimonies, distributing food parcels and Bibles, and possibly help practically. Most likely you will work in two different churches and villages.

Początek: 16-Jul-2023

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Moldova

Dowiedz się więcej

mission, outreach, village, Moldova, children's work, elderly

Love Moldova C: Go 4 Adventure

Join us for a unique mission adventure that you don’t want to miss! In the Go 4 Adventure, you will “Go” throughout Moldova utilizing “4” different modes of transportation: trekking, cycling, train, and horse & cart, bringing the Gospel with you from village to village. Together with a team, you will travel the remotest and most beautiful unreached areas of the country. You will visit churches and reach out to youth and children through evangelistic programs.

Początek: 14-Jul-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Moldova

Dowiedz się więcej

Serbia, Refugees, Camp, Tent

Refugee Relief in Adaševci, Serbia - Option 20 2023

Serving in the camp includes practical service, doing laundry for the refugees, making and serving tea and coffee, general duties involved in running the tea tent and laundry and to spend time with the refugees sharing our faith in Jesus Christ. When there is time, there is opportunity to play sports with the refugees, organise games or crafts or even do some informal language lessons.

**We need volunteers all the time and are very flexible with dates and length of stay**

Początek: 12-May-2023

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Serbia

Dowiedz się więcej

Serbia, Refugees, Camp, Tent

Refugee Relief in Adaševci, Serbia - Option 21 2023

Serving in the camp includes practical service, doing laundry for the refugees, making and serving tea and coffee, general duties involved in running the tea tent and laundry and to spend time with the refugees sharing our faith in Jesus Christ. When there is time, there is opportunity to play sports with the refugees, organise games or crafts or even do some informal language lessons.

**We need volunteers all the time and are very flexible with dates and length of stay**

Początek: 19-May-2023

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Serbia

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Od marzeń do rzeczywistości

Czujesz, że życie z poczuciem misji jest Twoim powołaniem? Prawdopodobnie któryś z naszych zespołów czeka na kogoś takiego jak Ty! Już dziś postaw pierwszy krok i zaangażuj się w wolontariat z OM w Polsce lub wyrusz na misję na krańcach ziemi. Powiedz nam o swoich zainteresowaniach i daj się poznać.

Odpowiemy na twoje pytania, przeprowadzimy przez proces rekrutacji, a w przypadku działań poza Polską - doradzimy jak sfinansować wyjazd. Kandydaci muszą mieć ukończone 18 lat oraz znać język angielski na poziomie komunikatywnym. Pamiętaj: by zacząć największą przygodę i żyć pełnią miłości, nie trzeba być ekspertem!

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