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Chcesz służyć Bogu i ludziom? Masz do dyspozycji kilka dni, a może całe życie? Zapoznaj się z możliwościami zaangażowania w różne projekty w ramach OM – działamy na setki sposobów, w przeszło 140 krajach. Jest wiele miejsc, gdzie twoje umiejętności i otwarte serce przyniosą realną zmianę. Zacznij od wyszukiwania według krajów - jeśli będziesz mieć pytania odnośnie konkretnego ogłoszenia, skontaktuj się z nami.


Serbia, Refugees, Camp, Tent

##FULL## Refugee Relief in Serbia - Option 51 2023

Serving in the camp includes practical service, doing laundry for the refugees, making and serving tea and coffee, general duties involved in running the tea tent and laundry and to spend time with the refugees sharing our faith in Jesus Christ. When there is time, there is opportunity to play sports with the refugees, organise games or crafts or even do some informal language lessons.

**We need volunteers all the time and are very flexible with dates and length of stay**

Początek: 15-Dec-2023

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Serbia

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Mentor, Trainer

Africa Trek Leader(s)

Do you have a passion to disciple a cross cultural team of young adults? And are you as a young couple excited about working with Bible believing churches in different countries of Southern Africa? then you are the right person to join us in leading the Africa Trek . Africa Trek involves going on a discipleship adventure with young adults visiting different countries in Southern Africa and working with OM fields & churches along the way.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 1-2 Years

Kraj: Zimbabwe

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Montoring Trekkies, adventure and administration

Africa Teader(s)

Do you have a passion to mentor and disciple in a cross-cultural set up? Are you passionate as a couple to work with young adults in and Bible believing churches in Southern Africa? Join us in leading the Africa Trek as a couple either coming from the west or in Africa. This is involving going on a discipleship adventure with Trekkies and visiting countries that will be set.

Początek: February 2024

Czas trwania: 1-2 Years

Kraj: Botswana

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manage, data system, acceptance process, People care

Director of Personnel

Oversee our short and long-term inquiries. Oversee our People Care team. Assist long-term applicants through the joining process. Assist with our field orientation program, Global Missions Orientation (GMO). Oversee/update our Caribbean Handbook and policies our staff need to read and sign-off on. Work with our two personnel data systems, D365 and Open Petra.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Virgin Is. US

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Leadership, Disciplemaking, Church planting, Team leader, Teaching, Training, Mentoring

Team leader for Disciple makers and Church planters

OM Denmark is searching for a passionate and experienced team leader to train disciple makers who have a calling to see new followers of Jesus in vibrant communities among the least reached in secular Europe and beyond.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2-3 Years

Kraj: Denmark

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Finance, documentation, processes

Finance Documentation Manager

This is a new role, with the goal to provide up to date, complete and easy to use Finance documentation and related information for all those using the OM Finance system.

The role exists to support OM’s ministry of seeing Vibrant Communities of Jesus Followers among the least reached.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 1-2 Years

Kraj: International

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ICT, IT Technician, Computer

ICT Operations Manager

The overall goal is to lead the ICT teams in implementation of tactical ICT operations in order to
ensure continued and stable ICT services are provided for OM's Ship Ministry.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: United States

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ICT, IT Technician

ICT Technical Engineer

The overall goal is to provide strategic leadership in relation to disaster management, hardware/software analysis, architecture – infrastructure & security. As an ICT Technical Engineer, you will be responsible for all IT infrastructures (networks (LAN, WAN), servers, system software and tools, etc.) for OM's Ship Ministry (Mosbach, Ships, Florence, remote users, etc.) in order for the ministry to be able to efficiently and effectively operate its IT tools.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: United States

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Maintenance Manager, Training, leading

Maintenance - Training Base

The OM South Africa Training Base operates on a 5-hectare plot near Pretoria, Gauteng.  We need a full-time maintenance manager who is able to keep up with the general maintenance of buildings and land, by leading a team of local paid general workers and volunteers. This person will need a background/understanding of building maintenance and of leading a small team.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2 Years

Kraj: South Africa

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Fundraising, financial support, communication, relationship buiding, major gifts

Major Gifts Manager

Grow and manage a portfolio of strategic funding partnerships with high net worth individuals to achieve ambitious financial targets in order to advance the global mission of Operation Mobilisation.

Początek: December 2023

Czas trwania: More than 3 years

Kraj: International

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ICT, IT Technician, Computer

Information & Communications Technologies Operations Manager

The overall goal is to lead the ICT teams in implementation of tactical ICT operations in order to
ensure continued and stable ICT services are provided for OM Ships.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: United States

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Finances, administration

Finance and Administration Manager

Do you feel called by God to serve him in France? Join us in our goal to inspire, mobilise and equip others, to see churches grow and believers discipled, in one of the least reached countries in Europe.

Come and use your finance and admin skills to help us achieve this vision! This role is vital to the ministry on the field. We are looking for committed team members who love God and are passionate about serving Him with their gifts and skills, and if necessary to serve in other ways too!

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2-3 Years

Kraj: France

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short-term missions, administrator

Short-term Ministry (Outreach) Coordinator - Lesotho

Across OM, we have an urgent need for people gifted in administration to aid ministry taking place on the mission field. Those with administrative skills are needed in almost every facet of ministry to ensure efficiency, and that tasks, paperwork and coordination involved in organising people and events are accomplished with completeness and attention to detail. If this describes you, consider how you can use those gifts to see more VCJF among the least reached.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 1-2 Years

Kraj: Lesotho

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Team member

Team Member - Lesotho

Since our beginnings, we have been driven by a deep conviction that everyone should have the opportunity to hear the gospel at least once. Though many people in Lesotho call themselves Christians, few have received biblical teaching or heard the gospel clearly. Join the team for exciting times of evangelism with children, youth, adults during village home visits.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2 Years

Kraj: Lesotho

Dowiedz się więcej

discipleship, foreigners, home visits, ministry

Team Member - Western Cape

Cape Town is home to thousands of people of other faiths who have migrated from some of the hardest-to-reach nations in Africa, along with a local community of South Africans who have never embraced the gospel. The OM ministry team in Cape Town works to impact these unreached people right on our doorstep with the love of Jesus. We hope to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers established in these neighbourhoods. Come and join us.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 1-2 Years

Kraj: South Africa

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REACH, Training, Teaching, Equipping

RAECH Program Trainer

We are looking for a passionate individual to join our REACH Staff as a Program Trainer. Out Program is designed to equip believers to find their place in wolrd missions, specifically to establish vibrant communicties of Jesus followers amongst the least reached.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 1-2 Years

Kraj: South Africa

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REACH, Administration

REACH Personnel Administrator

Are you an organized, people-oriented person, who likes to work with different cultures and support others through Admin? If you answered yes, this is your opportunity!

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 1-2 Years

Kraj: South Africa

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Communications, writing, articles, journalism

Communications Officer

Do you feel called by God to serve him? Join the OM in Albania team in person or remotely as we serve to inspire, mobilise and equip others in seeing churches grow and be discipled.
We are looking for someone who can co-ordinate the big and small picture for our field communications, involved in the strategy and managing the people to make it happen and to create content for our field in ways such as newsletters, promotional material, brochures etc.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Albania

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outreach, mission

Short-term Outreach Coordinateur

Come and be part of what God is doing in France, transforming hearts, lives and local churches through short-term missions.
Short-term missions (STM) are intense weeks where churches and Christians from across the world come together to share the good news of Christ with the least-reached. These missions can be catalysts for transformation in the lives of the people we meet during the outreach, the lives of the participants themselves, and even the local church partners!

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: France

Dowiedz się więcej

hospitality, housekeeping, guests

Hospitality Coordinator

Do you have a heart to make others feel welcome and at home? Do you enjoy meeting new people? We are looking for someone that is handy, loves to roll up his/her sleeves and who wants to serve God and others in a practical way. Come and take care of our OM base at Lacken House, Co. Roscommon, and oversee all guest services.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Ireland

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Training, Minister, Least-Reached Peoples, People Of Other Faiths

Diaspora ministry leader

Do you feel called by God to serve Him in France?  Join the OM France team as we serve to inspire, mobilise and equip others in seeing churches grow and be discipled, as well as getting involved in one of the least-reached countries in Europe.

Jesus came to redeem every tribe, language and nation(“ethnē”). France is home to over 113 different people groups, or “ethnē”, 37 of whom remain “unreached” (6,5% of the French population). Come and join us to establishing ways to reach the unreached!

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2-3 Years

Kraj: France

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Training, Equipping, Arts, Ethnodoxology, Ethnoarts, Cross Cultural, Distributed Team, International

Director of Training - Inspiro Arts Alliance

Do you thrive on equipping people to grow and be more effective?  Do you have experience in teaching and training? If you enjoy a diverse team and community, this could be the job for you!

The Director of Training is responsible for developing and delivering training to a broad spectrum of artists to aid in their holistic development and ministry to the least reached.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2-3 Years

Kraj: International

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Begleitung von Einsatzteilnehmern, Teilnahme an Events


Durch Kurzeinsätze bieten wir Menschen die Möglichkeit erste Missionserfahrungen zu sammeln. Wir wünschen uns, dass sie dabei Gottes Mission für die Welt und ihr Leben entdecken und inspiriert zurückkehren. Du berätst und begleitest Teilnehmende in der Vorbereitungs- und Einsatzzeit und organisierst Einsätze für Gruppen im In- und Ausland. Dabei stehst du im Austausch mit dem internationalen OM-Netzwerk – mit einem der größten Kurzeinsatz-Angebote weltweit.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Germany

Dowiedz się więcej

Spanish, local church, least reached

Mission Worker

Spain is one of the least reached countries in Europe, with only around 1% of the population who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Of the regions of Spain, Galicia is one of the regions with the least evangelical presence.  We are looking for people with a passion for Jesus and a passion to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers established among the least reached.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 1-2 Years

Kraj: Spain

Dowiedz się więcej

communications, writing, children, families, churches, children's workers

ICHNOS Communications Officer

We are looking for someone who can help develop and implement our internal and external communications strategy for ICHNOS in line with OM’s communications strategy, write and disseminate materials, and coordinate promotional events.

Our vision:
We want to see followers of Jesus among the least reached who can welcome and disciple children in their communities.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 1-2 Years

Kraj: International

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Od marzeń do rzeczywistości

Czujesz, że życie z poczuciem misji jest Twoim powołaniem? Prawdopodobnie któryś z naszych zespołów czeka na kogoś takiego jak Ty! Już dziś postaw pierwszy krok i zaangażuj się w wolontariat z OM w Polsce lub wyrusz na misję na krańcach ziemi. Powiedz nam o swoich zainteresowaniach i daj się poznać.

Odpowiemy na twoje pytania, przeprowadzimy przez proces rekrutacji, a w przypadku działań poza Polską - doradzimy jak sfinansować wyjazd. Kandydaci muszą mieć ukończone 18 lat oraz znać język angielski na poziomie komunikatywnym. Pamiętaj: by zacząć największą przygodę i żyć pełnią miłości, nie trzeba być ekspertem!

Co u nas słychać?

Newsletter OM w Polsce, informacje i inspiracja do działania.