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Chcesz służyć Bogu i ludziom? Masz do dyspozycji kilka dni, a może całe życie? Zapoznaj się z możliwościami zaangażowania w różne projekty w ramach OM – działamy na setki sposobów, w przeszło 140 krajach. Jest wiele miejsc, gdzie twoje umiejętności i otwarte serce przyniosą realną zmianę. Zacznij od wyszukiwania według krajów - jeśli będziesz mieć pytania odnośnie konkretnego ogłoszenia, skontaktuj się z nami.


Reach, Training, Mentoring, Discipleship, UK

##CANCELLED## REACH in the UK March 2024

REACH offers an exciting introduction to cross cultural mission while helping you to deepen your relationship with God and to grow in discipleship.

This is a five month programme which includes training, preparation and outreaches both locally and overseas!

You will better understand God’s heart for mission and you will be further equipped to effectively communicate the Gospel across cultures. It will give you skills for a disciplined devotional life, tools for ministry, a deeper understanding of yourself, as well as developing team building and leadership skills.

Enjoy team life, interactive classroom training and ministry.

Join REACH for five months and you will not be the same again!

Początek: 18-Mar-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: United Kingdom

Dowiedz się więcej

Poland, Europe, Ukraine, refugees, war, disaster, outreach, relief and development, children, youth, kids, women

##FULL## Serving War Refugees in Poland 92

OM in Poland is providing psychosocial support and psychological first aid after trauma experience, supporting mums and children fleeing Ukraine. Running kids clubs, youth ministry and women’s meetings we are offering comfort, bringing joy and hope and living out Christ’s love to those who need it the most. To get a feeling what it is like, watch the short video: https://youtu.be/RiTmaHZMoG0

Początek: 24-Mar-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Poland

Dowiedz się więcej

Poland, Europe, Ukraine, refugees, war, disaster, outreach, relief and development, children, youth, kids, women

##FULL## Serving War Refugees in Poland 93

OM in Poland is providing psychosocial support and psychological first aid after trauma experience, supporting mums and children fleeing Ukraine. Running kids clubs, youth ministry and women’s meetings we are offering comfort, bringing joy and hope and living out Christ’s love to those who need it the most. To get a feeling what it is like, watch the short video: https://youtu.be/RiTmaHZMoG0

Początek: 07-Apr-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Poland

Dowiedz się więcej

Poland, Europe, Ukraine, refugees, war, disaster, outreach, relief and development, children, youth, kids, women

##FULL## Serving War Refugees in Poland 94

OM in Poland is providing psychosocial support and psychological first aid after trauma experience, supporting mums and children fleeing Ukraine. Running kids clubs, youth ministry and women’s meetings we are offering comfort, bringing joy and hope and living out Christ’s love to those who need it the most. To get a feeling what it is like, watch the short video: https://youtu.be/RiTmaHZMoG0

Początek: 14-Apr-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Poland

Dowiedz się więcej

Communications, Marketing, Social Media, Public Relations, Editing

INT Social Media Manager

The position includes developing and implementing a social media marketing strategy, developing new and fresh on-brand content that encourages audience engagement and expansion, managing regular posts and responding to followers. The social media manager works to ensure that OM’s social broadcasting communicates a streamlined message that coincides with our international branding.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 1-2 Years

Kraj: International

Dowiedz się więcej

Finanzbuchhaltung, kaufmännische Ausbildung

FachspezialistIn in der Finanzbuchhaltung

Wir suchen dich als Spezialist für verantwortungsvolle Aufgaben in unserer Finanzbuchhaltung.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Germany

Dowiedz się więcej

Geschäftsführer, Leitung


Zusammen mit deinem Team kümmerst du dich um die ganz praktischen Verwaltungs-Aufgaben, damit weltweite Missionsarbeit gelingt. Du hast sowohl an Zahlen als auch Menschen Freude und kannst Prozesse steuern und überdenken.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Germany

Dowiedz się więcej

manage, data system, acceptance process, People care

Caribbean Personnel Worker

Oversee our short and long-term inquiries. Oversee our People Care team. Assist long-term applicants through the joining process. Assist with our field orientation program, Global Missions Orientation (GMO). Oversee/update our Caribbean Handbook and policies our staff need to read and sign-off on. Work with our two personnel data systems, D365 and Open Petra.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Virgin Is. US

Dowiedz się więcej

communications, social media, stories

Caribbean Communications Worker

We are looking for someone to manage the Communications for our Field – 20 countries across the Caribbean – with OM staff and volunteers based in a number of them. We are looking for someone with a love for capturing’s people’s attention and engaging them, and helping colleagues to do likewise.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2 Years

Kraj: Virgin Is. US

Dowiedz się więcej



Durch deine Mitarbeit informierst du Interessierte und Freunde von OM über die Arbeit unserer Missionare rund um den Globus. Du recherchierst die Neuigkeiten der vielen Projekte und schreibst Artikel darüber, du korrigierst Briefe und Drucksachen, die versandt werden, und hältst  unsere Website auf dem neuesten Stand.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Germany

Dowiedz się więcej

Singapore, Outreach, Ministry, Migrant, Red-light district

Local Ministry Team Leader

Singapore is home to many diaspora communities from Asia, many whom do not know the gospel. Join us to lead and champion the ministry of bringing help and hope to least-reached communities in Singapore.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Singapore

Dowiedz się więcej

Mobilising, Mobiliser, Singapore

Mission Mobiliser

There are many people in the world who have no access to the gospel today. Join us as a Missions Mobiliser to inspire and mobilise Jesus followers to live and work among the least reached in an authentic manner.

Początek: Anytime

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Singapore

Dowiedz się więcej

Singapore, Fundraising, Resourcing, Finance

Partnership Development Executive

We are a catalyst for seeing vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least reached. Fundraising is critical to ensure that our ministries are well-resourced and our mission workers fulfil their roles to their best capacity.

Początek: Anytime

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Singapore

Dowiedz się więcej

Social Media, Adobe Cloud


Begeistert es dich, Menschen durch kreative Wege zu ermutigen, sich aktiv für Gottes Sache einzusetzen? Hast du Lust, inspirierende Zeugnisse aus der ganzen Welt zu hören und mit anderen Christen zu teilen? Durch Kanäle wie Facebook, Instagram, TikTok und Twitter wollen wir der Welt zeigen, wie Gott im Leben von Menschen auf der ganzen Welt am Wirken ist. Dafür suchen wir DICH als Social-Media-Manager, um Geschichten aus aller Welt insbesondere an eine unserer Zielgruppen, die unter 25-Jährige.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Germany

Dowiedz się więcej

Kids, Education, School

LernhelferIn für Missionarskinder im Ausland

Du möchtest den Missionsdienst einer Missionarsfamilie kennenlernen? Du arbeitest gerne mit Kindern und kannst dir vorstellen, Einzelunterricht zu geben? Dann ist ein Einsatz als Lernhelfer genau das Richtige für dich! Dein Einsatz ist Teil des missionarischen Dienstes vor Ort und für dich die Chance, viele Aspekte der Mission im interkulturellen Dienst kennenzulernen.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 1 Year

Kraj: Lesotho

Dowiedz się więcej

Social Media, Content Producer

Content Producer

While working with the Communications and Marketing Department you will be involved in producing and supporting OM Canada’s content in various forms to tell the global OM story to our Canadian audience.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: Canada

Dowiedz się więcej

translatation, teenstreet, interpreter, event

Translator or Interpreter TeenStreet

Do you have experience translating or interpreting? Would you be willing to use your skills to serve God and allow French teens to hear His message through your work? If so, maybe this is for you!

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 6-12 months

Kraj: France

Dowiedz się więcej

leadership, human resources, people care


Logos Hope is a unique international ministry. Around 350 volunteers serve to be a catalyst to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers amongst the least reached. The Logos Hope leadership team, is responsible to lead the ministry and community on board. People Services aims to help foster a healthy, vibrant, growing community, passionate and equipped for Christian life and service through providing personnel, people development, people care, talent management and medical services.

Początek: Anytime

Czas trwania: 1-2 Years

Kraj: Ships

Dowiedz się więcej

HR, People Services, Manager, Canada, Field Personnel Officer, FPO

People Services Director

Exists to lead the People Services team, enabling flexible, effective and scalable systems and processes in order to see more Canadians involved in OM’s mission. Provides appropriate support to all team members during their service with OM.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: More than 3 years

Kraj: Canada

Dowiedz się więcej

HR, Administration, People Care

Missions Coach - Canada

Exists to facilitate the placement, care and development of OM personnel working in Canada.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 2-3 Years

Kraj: Canada

Dowiedz się więcej

Portugal, français

##FULL## Voyage Actes 1 : 8 - Espagne

Ce voyage, durant lequel vous serez accompagnés de personnes expérimentées, vous permettra de prendre les prochains pas vers la Mission, et de voir si l'année prochaine ce sera peut-être vous le chef d'équipe ! Vous choisirez entre deux destinations, où tout sera organisé par l’équipe OM sur place. Avant de partir nous ferons connaissance avec notre équipe française dans des appels Zoom, où on se préparera dans les détails pratiques et ensemble dans la prière. Et vous devrez trouver cinq partenaires de prière, qui vous accompagneront depuis les coulisses pendant tout le voyage ! Etes-vous prêts à prendre le prochain pas ? Relève le défi !

Początek: 27-Apr-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Spain

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##CANCELLED## Hope of Israel Winter 2024

The ministry and outreaches will be varied but may include literature distribution, conversation outreaches in public places, creative events involving worship, plus practical work and mercy ministry involving the homeless, addicted, immigrants and others. Many of the details will be decided close to the commencement of the program, so as to take advantage of unique witnessing opportunities that will arise.

Początek: 05-Feb-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Israel

Dowiedz się więcej

Portugal, français

##FULL## Voyage Actes 1 : 8 - Portugal

Ce voyage, durant lequel vous serez accompagnés de personnes expérimentées, vous permettra de prendre les prochains pas vers la Mission, et de voir si l'année prochaine ce sera peut-être vous le chef d'équipe ! Vous choisirez entre deux destinations, où tout sera organisé par l’équipe OM sur place.

Początek: 13-Apr-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Portugal

Dowiedz się więcej

outreach, Kids work

##CANCELLED## Aimons Forcalquier !

Forcalquier is a historic town with the colours and scents of Provence, where life is good. There is no trace of an evangelical church, apart from the front of an old Protestant temple. We like to compare this town to a living beehive where traditions, new-age, the search for well-being and various demands intermingle… Our desire is to incarnate the Gospel of Jesus Christ who saves with the newborn church!

Początek: 06-Jul-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: France

Dowiedz się więcej

media, journalism, communications, marketing

Content Strategy Coordinator

Combine your strategic and creative skills to help share the story of OM’s Ship Ministry in a way that motivates and mobilises followers of Jesus around the world to partner with us.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: As long as possible

Kraj: United States

Dowiedz się więcej

Presentation, UK, travel, mobilise

##CANCELLED## UK: Presentation Team - Spring - Share Your Mission Experience

Come ready for anything! Come and share your mission experience. It starts with an induction into life in the UK and training sessions on public speaking and how to present creatively, using multimedia presentations where appropriate. You’ll share in church services, conferences and University meetings, and run book tables.
You will be expected to take an active part in OM UK team life at The Quinta.
Team participation could include book-keeping, driving, team leading and administration.
Working hours will be flexible. We will aim to give you 2 days off per week, but sometimes it maybe 1.5 or 1.
The three months will wrap up with team debrief and reflection back at The Quinta.

Początek: 17-Mar-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: United Kingdom

Dowiedz się więcej

church planting, discipleship, outreach, training

Disciplemaker in Secularized Europe - Nakskov

From August 2024 we are pioneering a new church plant in the city of Nakskov in Southern Denmark. Our vision is to share the gospel with the people in Nakskov so that can experience Jesus and find faith in him.
We are dream to see a vibrant fellowship of Jesus followers established in the local community. By engaging deeply in people’s lives, and through outreaches in the city square, small groups and personal conversations we are seeking to make new disciples among secularized Danes.

Początek: August 2024

Czas trwania: 6-12 months

Kraj: Denmark

Dowiedz się więcej

REACH, Training, Teaching, Equipping

REACH Program Trainer

We are looking for a passionate individual to join our REACH Staff as a Program Trainer. Out Program is designed to equip believers to find their place in wolrd missions, specifically to establish vibrant communicties of Jesus followers amongst the least reached.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 1-2 Years

Kraj: South Africa

Dowiedz się więcej

Practical Skills

Car Mechanic & Equipment Specialist (m/f)

Are you an experienced car mechanic with a talent for tackling diverse mechanical challenges? We're in need of a skilled individual to oversee the maintenance and repair of our mission's vehicles, including cars, trucks, and agricultural machinery like tractors.
We're seeking someone proficient in diagnosing and fixing automotive issues to ensure our fleet remains in top-notch condition.

Początek: As soon as possible

Czas trwania: 6-12 months

Kraj: Lesotho

Dowiedz się więcej

Reach, Training, Mentoring, Discipleship

Reach in Taiwan 2024

Are you ready to live for Jesus, discover God's purpose for your life and join an adventure that will impact you and the world around you? Do you want know more about different cultures and learn more practical skills of sharing the gospel? Then REACH is for you! Expand your faith and be inspired as you seek God’s will, and His calling on your life.

Początek: 03-Sep-2024

Czas trwania:

Kraj: Taiwan

Dowiedz się więcej

Od marzeń do rzeczywistości

Czujesz, że życie z poczuciem misji jest Twoim powołaniem? Prawdopodobnie któryś z naszych zespołów czeka na kogoś takiego jak Ty! Już dziś postaw pierwszy krok i zaangażuj się w wolontariat z OM w Polsce lub wyrusz na misję na krańcach ziemi. Powiedz nam o swoich zainteresowaniach i daj się poznać.

Odpowiemy na twoje pytania, przeprowadzimy przez proces rekrutacji, a w przypadku działań poza Polską - doradzimy jak sfinansować wyjazd. Kandydaci muszą mieć ukończone 18 lat oraz znać język angielski na poziomie komunikatywnym. Pamiętaj: by zacząć największą przygodę i żyć pełnią miłości, nie trzeba być ekspertem!

Co u nas słychać?

Newsletter OM w Polsce, informacje i inspiracja do działania.