A: Asia mission trips B: Bilingual mission conference C: Cross culture experience D: Discipleship training After the conference, you will travel with your teammates to outreach country. You will involve in local mission based on educational program. We are warmly welcome those who have passion for making difference in people’s lives by using your gifts and talents. -Anyone who has a love of Japanese culture and a serving heart for people is warmly welcome to join OM Japan! Through our outreach activities, you will learn the importance of teamwork and how can we respect each other in culturally diverse team. You may also discover your potential for longer term missions which God has already planned for you!

Twoja darowizna zmienia życia

OM jest organizacją non-profit, działającą dzięki ofiarności tysięcy darczyńców na całym świecie. Włącz się, by razem z nami wpływać na przemianę życia pojedynczych osób i całych społeczności.

Co u nas słychać?

Newsletter OM w Polsce, informacje i inspiracja do działania.