Come ready for anything! Come Share your mission experience. It starts with an induction into life in the UK and training sessions on public speaking and how to present creatively, using multimedia presentations where appropriate. You’ll share in church services, conferences, and University meetings, and run book tables.
You will be expected to take an active part in OM UK team life at The Quinta.
Team participation could include book-keeping, driving, team leading and administration.
Working hours will be flexible. We will aim to give you 2 days off per week, but sometimes it maybe 1.5 or 1.
The three months will wrap up with team debrief and reflection back at The Quinta.

Twoja darowizna zmienia życia

OM jest organizacją non-profit, działającą dzięki ofiarności tysięcy darczyńców na całym świecie. Włącz się, by razem z nami wpływać na przemianę życia pojedynczych osób i całych społeczności.

Co u nas słychać?

Newsletter OM w Polsce, informacje i inspiracja do działania.