Week 1
During the first week, you will be learning the holiday club programme, ‘Lionheart and the Ultimate Gaming Adventure’. You will learn a selection of basic skills needed to deliver the programme such as puppeteering and storytelling. The week will be busy, but by the end you will be ready to help deliver the programme.

Week 2
You’ll take part in running the Lionheart holiday club at a church in Wrexham, Wales. During the holiday club, you will be involved in various parts of the up-front programme. You will take part in puppet songs and stories as a puppeteer and will help to demonstrate the action songs we use. There may also be opportunities to teach bible verses or bible stories if you have skills in this area. As well as the performance element, there will be plenty of time for you to help alongside church members in small group activities with children, such as making crafts and playing games. The club runs in the morning, between 10-12 so there will be some free time and Saturdays off.

Twoja darowizna zmienia życia

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