REACH offers an exciting introduction to cross cultural mission while helping you to deepen your relationship with God and to grow in discipleship.

REACH is a 5 month program which includes training, preparation and 3 outreaches, one of them might be overseas.

You will better understand God’s heart for mission and you will be further equipped to effectively communicate the Gospel across cultures. it will give you skills for a disciplined devotional life, tools for ministry, a deeper understanding of yourself, as well as developing team building and leadership skills.

Enjoy team life, interactive classroom training and ministry.

Join REACH for 5 months and you will not be the same again!

Twoja darowizna zmienia życia

OM jest organizacją non-profit, działającą dzięki ofiarności tysięcy darczyńców na całym świecie. Włącz się, by razem z nami wpływać na przemianę życia pojedynczych osób i całych społeczności.

Co u nas słychać?

Newsletter OM w Polsce, informacje i inspiracja do działania.