The Integral Mission Training is a 5 month training programme in Chile designed to train disciples for a missional lifestyle. The IMT takes on a holistic approach combining classroom teaching with practical ministry and outreaches. Prioritising one-to-one discipleship and mentoring, allowing students to process what they’re learning about God in a safe environment. The IMT programme offers an exciting introduction to cross cultural mission while helping you to deepen your relationship with God and to grow in discipleship. The EMI programme is taught in both English and Spanish. It includes two outreaches and you'll be involved in other local ministries too.

Twoja darowizna zmienia życia

OM jest organizacją non-profit, działającą dzięki ofiarności tysięcy darczyńców na całym świecie. Włącz się, by razem z nami wpływać na przemianę życia pojedynczych osób i całych społeczności.

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